Make more please! These games are awesome!
Make more please! These games are awesome!
Go and learn about curlnig before you make a game!
It was a goods over all game BUT you messed up on soo much about curling. You throw 4 rocks each round, not 3! and theres a line just a lil ahead of the house (the circle) and if your rocks don't make it past it then they are set aside NOT LEFT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PLAYING FIELD!
I know what im talknig about, i've curl many times before. since you messed those things up i can only give you a 2
Man... Have u even smoked herb!?!?
That was was too quick! A good hoot takes like 30 secs to brew. THATS when u start chokeing. Anyways Choking ain't bad if you take a huge hit but if you started choking off of that hoot then u would be a fucking puss.
This thing spams pop-ups when u exit out of it
is a link of my site.
Man that was simple and funny. Make more!
Dude, I love that song. When i watched that movei, i kept replaying this over and over and now u just reminded of me about. You should have done the outake version (it's on the dvd)
Dude i Love your Shit
i love your shit because of the porn, and the music fits it perfectly. Yor ideas are also new and ariginal.
Good but punk sucks....
Good game but that guy talking to the pungiuns... he was fucking gay! "dude the walls are melting... and too many fucking dudes! if all people who listen to punk music say dude like that then... FUCK THE WORLD WOULD BE ANNOYING! anyway good over all game (movie sucks monkey balls) make one with hard rock or metal next. rock and metal is way better
Could improve
lol. this is the best. i put i finger on it and put fuck off. lol just think of little kids comeing up to your door and seiing that... (i gave it a 10 humor becuase it was funny and i gave it a 10 violence because i think i killed it...)
Joined on 10/20/03